The best countries for Snowden, the following countries have extradition treaties but do not always comply with US requests: Bolivia, Ecuador, Iceland, Nicaragua, Switzerland, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe.
Afghanistan | Ethiopia | Nepal |
Algeria | Gabon | Niger |
Andorra | Guinea | North Korea |
Angola | Guinea-Bissau | Oman |
Armenia | Indonesia | Qatar |
Bahrain | Iran | Russia |
Bangladesh | Kazakhstan | Rwanda |
Belarus | Kosovo | Samoa |
Bhutan | Kuwait | São Tomé & Príncipe |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Laos | Saudi Arabia |
Brunei | Lebanon | Senegal |
Burkina Faso | Libya | Serbia |
Burundi | Macedonia | Somalia |
Cambodia | Madagascar | Sudan |
Cameroon | the Maldives | Syria |
Cape Verde | Mali | Taiwan |
the Central African Republic | the Marshall Islands | Togo |
Chad | Mauritania | Tunisia |
China | Micronesia | Uganda |
Comoros | Moldova | Ukraine |
Dem. Republic of the Congo | Mongolia | United Arab Emirates |
Cote d’ Ivoire | Montenegro | Uzbekistan |
Cuba | Morocco | Vanuatu |
Djibouti | Mozambique | the Vatican |
Equatorial Guinea | Myanmar | Vietnam |
Eritrea | Namibia | Yemen |
Snowden could have taken the steps we recommend on our site and publications on the best countries to obtain a second passport, open an offshore account, and more. Internationalizing is a strategy for anyone who does not want to be under the total control of the whims of one particular government – especially one that is desperate and bankrupt.